View Full Version : Tell us about yourself

10-07-2014, 07:53 AM
When I first got on these forums I was looking for information. I did a lot of research and decided to buy the 5.0. I am actually amazed when I would post concerns about the ecoboost how defensive some people would get. It really doesn't add up. I am really curious about how old people are and what they do for a living...and how many live with their parents, are in college or high school and how many have jobs.

Fair enough? I'll start: I am 53, graduated from College in 4 years. I was in the Marine Corps, am a pilot and own a construction business and rental properties. I am divorced and because of my business, I know more about the legal system than most. The legal system is like a box of chocolates...I can fix most things. Yesterday I repaired a solar tube, a thermostat, outdoor lighting system...my favorite task in probably installing doors, but I like electrical and plumbing too.

10-07-2014, 08:15 AM
Alright, here goes.

I'm 20, in my 3rd year of college studying Mechanical Engineering with hopes of going into Automotive Engineering. Yes, I do still live with my parents and probably will until I graduate and have the income to move out. My current job is being a lifeguard year-round, it pays the bills and keeps me tan lol.

Ford Fan#1
10-07-2014, 08:33 AM
I'm 17 and I am in 10th grade I detail cars during the summer I don't have a actual job and I have a twin brother ( he's on the other forum and so am I ) and I want to work for ford one day ( for the experience and discounts ) here's about my truck. I really liked the 5.4 and the King Ranch edition my dad bought his 5.4 in 2005 with 50,000 miles. He's never had any problems with it. Now it has 217,000 miles on it. Only oil changes tires ( and normal services ) all done himself so it is a really dependable motor. So that's why I got the 5.4 a used car dealership near my house had a black King Ranch and I was looking for a nice 5.4 SuperCrew. I looked at it and that's how I found my truck.

Carolina Boostin
10-07-2014, 12:29 PM
I'm 24 and live with my mamaw and help take care of her I'm a security guard at a local hospital and I'm looking for a day job so I can go and get my auto tech and get my ase certs so I can work in a shop I almost had my auto tech then life happened and I ain't been able to finish it


10-07-2014, 08:09 PM
I'm 27. I did 4 years active marine corps. I have an associates degree in automotive science. I'm an ase master certified tech. I'm shop foreman for a freightliner dealership. I have 3 awesome kids.

10-09-2014, 09:42 AM
I'm 27. I did 4 years active marine corps. I have an associates degree in automotive science. I'm an ase master certified tech. I'm shop foreman for a freightliner dealership. I have 3 awesome kids.
What was your MOS?

10-09-2014, 01:32 PM
0313, 0311, and 0352

10-11-2014, 02:48 PM
0313, 0311, and 0352

I know 0311. What is 13 and 52. I had 4, but only remember 1833, amphib assault. Let's hear from some more.

10-12-2014, 06:32 AM
Anti tank assultman and light armored recon

10-12-2014, 09:03 AM

still live at home(not for much longer)

work at a ford dealer

collision repair degree

10-14-2014, 07:00 PM
0313, 0311, and 0352 Haha damn. I'm a super POG. 6048 flight equipment technician. Airwing life


Haha damn. I'm a super POG. 6048 flight equipment technician. Airwing life

10-14-2014, 07:09 PM
Haha. We all did our part. I couldn't have done my job without air support

10-15-2014, 05:31 AM
Finally, a grunt who isn't a dick to POG's

10-15-2014, 06:56 PM
Finally, a grunt who isn't a dick to POG's

I only say one thing to say to grunts: Thank you.

I agree with "everyone else is there to support them"

10-21-2014, 08:27 AM
I'm Matt 44 yrs old born in the Northeast moved to Fl 6 yrs ago. My wife says I'm a redneck on the inside. I once said at a dinner in Manhattan that I didn't need to go anywhere I couldn't go with my dog and my truck. I'm on my third F150 the first one was a 1997 5.0ltr two door 5 speed with a full size bed. I always called the mustang in the truck body. Guess who made me sell it when we had our daughter? I complained about putting sod, pavers and other Sh*t in a Volvo XC90 for three years. My wife said one night go buy a truck and make sure it has 4 doors. I came home the next day with a 2010 navy blue supercrew XLT with the 4.6ltr. I just traded that and the wife chevy equinox for my '14 supercrew. I'm thinking about putting dual cat back exhaust with passenger side (behind the tire) exit. All the other dual exhaust I see exit's straight out the back or one pipe behind each tire. I have a guy who will do custom dual magna flow or flowmaster out the rear passenger side for $250. I'm also thinking about doing some custom forced ram air. I did a $15 kit on the 2010 myself. I used a 3" flexible aluminum duct and a 4" to 3" reducer to catch the air. I mounted the reducer next to the front license plate bracket and snaked the aluminum flex up behind the headlight into the tire well. I had to sand the trumpet a little bit to get the flex pipe over it but in the end it worked and I could feel the extra HP. Plus if I needed to remove it for warranty issues I could do it in 20 minutes.

Thanks to all you service men on here for allowing me to still have my freedom!

05-28-2021, 08:32 PM
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